Driving While
Intoxicated - DWI

For detailed
information on DWI please visit
Do Not Assume
Your Case is Hopeles
arrest for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI/DUI) does not mean
that you are a criminal, a drunk or a bad person. More people
are falsely accused and convicted of DWI than any other crime.
A single police officer’s subjective opinion that you may be
intoxicated is all it takes for you to find yourself handcuffed
in the back of a police car. DWI carries severe consequences
and requires that you take immediate action to protect your
rights. In fact, if you failed or refused to take a breath or
blood test, the State has already begun the process to take away
your driver’s license. You should retain a qualified DWI
attorney as soon as possible.
single arrest for DWI may give rise to three cases in three
distinct judicial forums. These include 1) the criminal charge
which will be litigated in the criminal court; 2) the
administrative license revocation (ALR) proceeding wherein the
state will seek to suspend your driver’s license; and 3) a civil
proceeding initiated by you to obtain an occupational driver’s
license which will allow you to drive to and from work while
your driver’ license is suspended. Each of these is discussed
in greater detail.

Elements of DWI
A person
commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while operating
a motor vehicle in a public place. “Intoxicated” means: a) not
having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason
of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug,
a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those
substances, or any other substance into the body; or b) having
an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more.
“Alcohol concentration” means the number of grams
of alcohol per: a) 210 liters of breath; b) 100 milliliters of
blood; or c) 67 milliliters of urine.

You May Lose Your Driver’s License Unless You Act
the time of your arrest, the police officer likely presented you
with a Notice of Suspension/Temporary Driving Permit (DIC –
25). Hopefully you have thoroughly read this document and are
aware that your driver’s license will automatically be
suspended 40 days from the date of arrest (or the date you were
served with the notice, whichever is later) unless you or your
attorney request a hearing in the manner prescribed by law. The
importance of requesting this hearing can not be overstated. If
you retain me, this is the first formal step I will take to
protect your legal rights and preserve your right to drive.

Occupational Driver’s License
arrest for DWI can lead to suspension of your driver’s license
under two circumstances 1) ALR suspension as a result of
refusing to take or failing a breath/blood test; 2) consequence
of criminal conviction for DWI. If you drive while your
license is under suspension, you may be charged with Driving
While License Suspended, a misdemeanor. If you do so while on
probation for your DWI offense, you risk having your probation
occupational driver’s license is a restricted license issued by
DPS which allows you to drive to and from work, school and in
the performance of necessary household duties during the period
of suspension. The license may limit the times you are allowed
to drive to specified hours, counties or roadways.
Alternatively, the court may authorize you to keep a log
detailing your driving activities which can be inspected to
ensure that your driving does not exceed what the judge has

Driving While Intoxicated is a class B misdemeanor with a range
of punishment of 3 to 180 days in jail and a fine not to exceed
$2,000.00. However, Texas law increases punishment for persons
with prior DWI convictions. An individual who pleads “guilty”
or “no contest” to a DWI charge may not received deferred
adjudication. In
addition to criminal penalties, a person convicted of a first
DWI will be required to pay a surcharge of $1,000.00 per year
for three years as a condition to maintaining his license. The
surcharge increases for persons with prior convictions.
most circumstances a person convicted of DWI for the first time
will not be required to spend time in jail but will, upon his
timely application, receive community supervision (probation).
The maximum term of probation is 2 years. As a condition of
probation the person will be ordered to pay a fine, report to a
probation officer, perform community service, abstain from the
use of alcohol and attend an alcohol education course. In
addition, a person’s driver’s license may be suspended for up to
1 year. However, if you receive community supervision and take
the court ordered alcohol education course you will be able to
keep your license.

Free Consultation - Call Now
may feel overwhelmed after reviewing the information provided at
this and other sites. That's OK. DWI is a highly specialized
area of the law and it may take a while for you to fully
understand the process. You have taken the first step by
visiting this site. Your next step is to find an attorney you
feel comfortable with. My office offers a free telephone or
in-person consultation. Call 281-240-3941 now to schedule an
The information presented at this website is intended to provide
you with a brief overview of Texas DWI law. You should consult a
qualified Sugar Land DWI lawyer to protect your legal rights immediately!

Sugar Land Fort Bend DWI Lawyer
Serving Houston Area
Anthony R. Segura
provides a thorough and creative defense to persons charged with
Driving While Intoxicated, Drunk Driving, DWI. Mr. Segura has
completed the NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety training
course. This is the same course used to train police officers
throughout the country. He is familiar with breath testing
procedures and instrumentation. Mr. Segura handles DWI cases
throughout the greater Houston area, including Harris and Fort
Bend County. Let him put his knowledge to work for you.
Licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas